Erie, PA Fire Accident Lawyers

Explosion Accident Attorneys in Erie, PA, Holds Site Owners and Contractors Liable for Burns and Other Injuries in Erie County, Crawford County, and Throughout Pennsylvania

Construction sites have numerous hazards, including the risk of fires and explosions triggered by unsafe conditions on the site. If you’ve been injured by a construction site fire or explosion, you may have the right to recover financial benefits and compensation for your injuries and losses. The Erie, PA, fire accident lawyers at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C., can help you explore and pursue your legal options. Since 2010, our firm has stood up for injured clients throughout Erie and northwest Pennsylvania. Our attorneys have a track record that includes decades of success in courtrooms. Our legal team combines backgrounds in personal injury litigation and insurance defense to develop effective solutions and strategies that help our clients take on corporations and insurers to obtain the financial recovery and justice they deserve for life-altering fire and explosion injuries.

After getting hurt in a construction site fire or explosion, get legal help to pursue the financial compensation and benefits you deserve. Contact Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C., for a free initial case evaluation to learn how our explosion accident attorneys in Erie, PA, will fight to recover the money you need for medical care, lost income, and the pain and suffering you’ve endured.

Common Causes of Fires and Explosions

Construction sites are filled with various materials and equipment that can trigger a fire or explosion due to defects or negligent use. Some common examples of causes of fires and explosions on construction sites include:

  • Improper storage of flammable materials
  • Improper sealing of gas or fuel tanks
  • Unguarded flames or heat sources
  • Negligent installation of gas lines
  • Improper use of blow torches or other welding equipment
  • Excavating without checking for the presence of utility lines
  • Improper electrical wiring work

Injuries Caused by Fires and Explosions

Fires and explosions can cause various severe, life-threatening injuries. Examples of ways that people can get hurt in fires or explosions include:

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What Compensation Can You Recover After Getting Hurt in a Fire or Explosion?

If you’ve suffered injuries due to a fire or explosion at a construction site, you may have the right to recover compensation to assist with your recovery. First, if you get hurt on the job, you might obtain financial benefits through workers’ compensation. These benefits can include payment of all reasonable and necessary medical care to treat your injuries, partial reimbursement of your lost income if you cannot work or earn less than you did before your injury, and financial payments if you lose a body party, lose of the use of a body part/bodily function, or suffer severe, permanent disfigurement of your head and neck area.

If a third party’s negligence caused the fire or explosion that injured you, you may also have a personal injury claim to recover compensation for financial and personal losses you’ve suffered, including:

  • Costs of medical treatment and rehab
  • Costs of long-term care for disabilities
  • Ongoing and future losses of income or earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life due to disabilities or permanent scarring/disfigurement

How Our Erie, PA, Fire Accident Lawyers Can Help You Pursue Your Claims

After you’ve suffered severe, potentially life-altering injuries in a construction site fire or explosion, you need experienced legal help to ensure you recover the full extent of financial compensation available to you under the law. Let the explosion accident attorneys in Erie, PA, from Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C., handle all the details of your case, including:

  • Investigating the accident to obtain evidence proving who was responsible for the fire or explosion
  • Evaluating your legal options for financial recovery, including determining your eligibility for workers’ compensation or the potenital for filing a third-party personal injury claim
  • Documenting your injuries and losses to ensure we pursue full financial recovery for you
  • Filing your claims and dealing with insurance companies on your behalf
  • Vigorously pursuing maximum financial relief for you through settlements of your claims or by advocating for your rights in workers’ comp hearings or in court

Contact Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C., for a Free Claim Review to Speak with Our Explosion Accident Attorneys in Erie, PA

When you’ve been injured in a fire or explosion at a construction site, you may have legal rights to financial compensation and benefits for your recovery. Contact our firm today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your legal options with our Erie, PA, fire accident lawyers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fire Accidents in Erie, PA

How long will it take to recover compensation?

The duration of an injury claim arising from a fire or explosion accident will depend on various circumstances, such as:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • How long your medical recovery takes
  • Whether you suffer permanent disabilities due to your injuries
  • Whether other people also got hurt in the fire or explosion
  • The number of potentially at-fault parties
  • Whether you share any responsibility for causing the fire/explosion
  • Whether you must file a workers’ comp or insurance claim or a lawsuit

How long do I have to file my claim?

Under Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations on injury claims, you typically have two years to file a lawsuit against a liable party after suffering injuries in a fire or explosion at a construction site. If you were injured on the job, you have 120 days to notify your employer about your injury and three years to file a formal claim petition with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Don’t wait to speak with our Erie, PA, fire accident lawyers about your legal options. If you file a lawsuit or claim after the deadline expires, you may lose the opportunity to recover compensation or financial benefits for your injuries.