May I be compensated for my pain, discomfort, inconvenience, disfigurement and embarrassment suffered in a PA car accident?
A: If you’ve been injured in a Pennsylvania car accident and you chose the Full Tort option (or fall under one of the exceptions to the Limited Tort option) when you bought your car insurance, you are entitled to be compensated for all harm caused by the negligent, or careless, driver who caused the accident.
In almost every case, your compensation will be paid, not by the inattentive driver, but rather by his auto insurance company or by your own insurance company. The purpose of the law is to fix what can be fixed (like repaying lost income or medical bills); to help what can be helped (like paying for treatment that lessens but does not cure the problem); and to make up for what cannot be fixed or returned to you (like pain, discomfort, and the loss of things that one typically enjoys as a healthy person).