Three Simple Steps to Protect Yourself If You Caused an Accident and Hurt Someone

We offer a lot of information for people who’ve been injured and who might have to sue to get compensation for their harm. Here, we offer information for people who caused the car accident and who are being sued. And we’ve got good news. Your insurance company will take care of almost everything. They’ll pay to compensate the injured person. They’ll pick and pay for a lawyer to defend you. Really, insurance makes being a defendant a much easier process than you might think. You just have to follow these simple rules.

As Erie car accident lawyers, we offer a lot of information for people who’ve been injured in Pennsylvania car accidents and who have to struggle with insurance companies — and who may even have to sue to get compensation for their harm. Here, we offer information for the people who caused the Erie car accident and hurt someone. And we’ve got good news: If you hurt someone in a Pennsylvania car accident, even if the accident was entirely your fault, your insurance company will take care of almost everything. They’ll pay to compensate the injured person. They’ll pick and pay for a lawyer to defend you. Really, insurance makes being a defendant in an Erie personal injury lawsuit a much easier process than you might think. You just have to follow three simple rules.

First, make sure that you’ve got enough insurance. I know, you may be reading this only after an Erie car accident and so this first rule may not be helpful for many of you. But insurance is so important. The insurance you buy is there to protect you when others have hurt you (or someone in your family) and it’s there to protect you from the financial consequences when you hurt someone else in an Erie car crash. And guess what? A lot of insurance is insanely inexpensive. You pay only a little more for a lot of insurance than you do for a little insurance. The fact that really good insurance costs only a little more than the bare minimum is one of the secrets about car insurance that most people don’t know and that some insurance companies won’t tell you. If you’re interested in learning more about how to buy auto insurance, you should download our free book, “The Ultimate Guide to Car Accident Cases in Pennsylvania: A Roadmap to Justice.” We offer real-life examples of how you can increase your coverage to hundreds of thousands of dollars for only a very small increase in your premium.

Second, promptly notify your insurance company of any Pennsylvania car accident or any other situation where you think someone may claim that you were responsible for an injury.

Third, cooperate with your insurance company in their investigation and defense of the Erie car accident case.

That’s it. Just three key steps to making sure that you get the full benefit of insurance. Buy enough insurance. Promptly notify your insurance company. Cooperate with your insurance company.

If you follow these three steps, then you will have the comfort of knowing that if you accidentally hurt someone in an Erie car accident, your insurance company will:

  1. Pay to compensate the injured person the amount that you are legally required to pay (up to the coverage limit). This means your insurance will pay for the medical bills, the lost wages, and all the other harm an injured person suffers in a Pennsylvania car accident.
  2. Find a lawyer to defend you if you’re sued. Usually, the lawyers who the insurance company hires are highly experienced, highly capable lawyers who represent insurance companies and their insureds in Pennsylvania car accident cases all the time.
  3. Pay all of the lawyer’s fees and costs. Again, even though you were careless and hurt someone, it still won’t cost you a dime — not even to defend yourself!
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