What Recent Behavioral Trend Concerns Erie Car Accident Lawyers?

While any sort of distraction while you are driving can be dangerous, what makes texting and driving such a deadly combination is that it involves all three main types of distractions.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, distracted driving can be broken down into three main types of distraction: 1) VISUAL, in which you take your eyes off the road, 2) MANUAL, in which you take your hands off the wheel, and 3) COGNITIVE, in which you take your mind off what you are doing.

Any sort of distraction while operating a motor vehicle can be dangerous, but what makes texting and driving such a deadly combination for motorists is that it involves ALL THREE main types of distractions.

Statistics show that around 20% of all crashes involve some type of distraction, and in 2008, nearly 6,000 people were killed in collisions involving a distracted driver.

And even though many states have banned or are considering bans on texting while driving, it is really up to drivers themselves to use common sense. When you’re behind the wheel, put the phone down entirely, or if you absolutely have to text, pull over to a safe area on the side of the road or pull into a parking lot.

If you or a member of your family has been injured in an accident by a distracted driver in Erie or elsewhere in northwest Pennsylvania, you can contact the experienced Erie car accident attorneys at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. for a free evaluation of your case. We are familiar with these kinds of cases and would be pleased to help you.

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