Meadville Woman Wins New Trial After Successful Appeal

A Crawford County woman was convicted of 15 felonies and six misdemeanors arising from allegations that she stole money from her employer. She was not represented by Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. at trial. However, she retained Erie criminal defense lawyer Tim George to represent her on appeal.

After a review of the trial transcript and other papers filed with the trial court and conducting additional legal research, a brief was drafted and filed with the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. On the client’s behalf, we argued that she was denied the fundamental right to present testimony and other evidence at trial which tended to prove her innocence. The appellate court agreed, set aside the conviction, and granted our client a new trial.

No two cases are exactly the same. The facts of each case often are in dispute. You cannot expect that your case will be resolved just like this one. However, you can expect our best effort, personal attention, and a commitment to the defense of your freedom.