Harborcreek DUI Charges Dropped After Stop Deemed to Be Illegal

Late at night, a driver turned right at a stop light and crossed into the oncoming lane of traffic in Harborcreek, Pennsylvania. No other cars were on the roadway at the time. Police stopped the man, administered field sobriety tests, then obtained a blood sample. His blood alcohol content (BAC) was over the legal limit. As a result, he was charged with a DUI offense, a lane violation, and careless driving.

The Harborcreek man faced a mandatory prison sentence if convicted of DUI. He did not qualify for ARD. Erie DUI lawyer Tim George filed a suppression motion for the defense. After an evidentiary hearing, the Court ruled that the stop violated the defendant’s constitutional rights and that none of the information obtained after the stop could be used against him. All charges were later dropped. As a result, our client avoided a prison sentence and a one-year driver’s license suspension.

No two cases are exactly the same. The facts of each case often are in dispute. You cannot expect that your case will be resolved just like this one. However, you can expect our best effort, personal attention, and a commitment to the defense of your freedom.