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purchase, george & murphey.


Pennsylvania Injury Lawyers Spring Bicycle Helmet Reminder

April 9, 2011

April 10, 2011, ERIE, PA — It’s warm. It’s the first warm weekend day we’ve had here in northwest Pennsylvania and I’m planning to sweep the garage, pull out the porch furniture and tune up my childrens’ bikes. I’ll grease the chain, inflate the tires, check the brake pads…you know, the usual.

But as I’m thinking this, I’m also thinking that I need to make sure they all have helmets that still fit. And thinking that makes me think I’d better post a reminder to our readers that spring is here, kids are going to ride their bikes and all parents need to remember to make sure their children wear bicycle helmets.

Having trouble getting your kids to wear helmets? See our Ten Tips to Get Your Kid to Wear a Bike Helmet .

Hit By a Car While Riding Your Bike?

If you’ve been hit by a car while riding your bike in northwest Pennsylvania, we’ve got helpful information for you in our articles section. Pennsylvania bicycle accident victims should read Six Tips If You’ve Been Hit By a Car While Running, Cycling or Walking .

Above all else, do not sign any papers until you’ve contacted an experienced Pennsylvania bicycle injury attorney. Do not accept a settlement offer from the driver’s insurance company. Do not give a recorded statement to the other insurance company.

Learn Your Legal Rights – Contact Us Now

The Pennsylvania bicycle accident lawyers at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. want to help you. Call us today for a free, no-strings attached evaluation of your case. Call locally at 814-273-2010 or toll free at 814-273-2010.