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purchase, george & murphey.


Can I Get a Hardship License If I Was Convicted of a DUI in Pennsylvania?

May 1, 2022

A hardship license may be eligible for some people with a DUI. This type of license can help those with a suspended license from a DUI still attend work or school. What is a Hardship License? A hardship license is a special driver’s license that allows drivers to drive for a specific purpose who otherwise have a suspended license. If…

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What to Do if Your Child Sustains a Concussion After a Car Accident

March 8, 2022

Car accidents can lead to a long list of potential injuries. While some of these injuries are easier to recover from, including cuts or bruises, others can be more expensive and timelier to manage, like a concussion. Concussions and their associated treatment can be even more difficult to deal with when it’s your child. Learning the signs of a concussion…

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What If I Get a DUI on Valentine’s Day?

February 8, 2022

While chocolates or flowers may be on the list of things you expect to get this Valentine’s Day, a DUI likely is not. If alcohol is a part of your Valentine’s Day celebrations this year, it’s important to know what to do if you’re pulled over and charged with a DUI. Knowing your rights, and how to handle a DUI…

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Penalties of Reckless Driving in Pennsylvania

January 24, 2022

Reckless driving can lead to severe car accidents and expensive charges. Learn more about what behaviors are considered reckless driving and how you can avoid these charges. What is Reckless Driving? Reckless driving is sometimes referred to as aggressive driving. Reckless driving can include a long list of behaviors that lead to unsafe driving. It can include any of the…

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Top 5 Most Common Causes of Diagnostic Errors and Misdiagnosis

January 12, 2022

When you visit a physician or medical provider, you expect them to use their medical education and background to properly treat you. This includes ordering the right tests, carefully reviewing your symptoms, getting to know your medical history, and then providing you with the most effective treatments. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Most Common Causes of Misdiagnoses When a physician…

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11 Most Surprising Ways To Get a DUI in Pennsylvania

December 16, 2021

When you first hear about a DUI, you might make the mistake of thinking the only way you can get one is by car. This isn’t the case, and there are a few surprising ways to get a DUI, including: 1. Boat: Driving a boat while under the influence is illegal in all 50 states. With over 2,000 lakes in…

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What Happens if the Police Don’t Read My Miranda Rights?

December 12, 2021

Miranda rights refers to the statement that a police officer must give you before questioning you. The Miranda rights tell you your legal rights, which include: You have the right to remain silent.Anything that you say can be utilized against you in a court of law.You have the right to have an attorney present while you are questioned.If you are…

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