Car Accident Risks Increase in Autumn Months

Car Accident Risks Increase in Autumn Months

As we enjoy the autumn season, it is important to be aware of the increased risks of car accidents that are unique to the fall months. Knowing what hazards you might encounter on the road during the autumn can help keep you and others safe. 

Car Accident Statistics in Autumn Months

Autumn sees some of the highest rates of motor vehicle accidents in Pennsylvania. According to PennDOT, crash statistics during autumn 2020 in Pennsylvania include:

  • September: 9,215 crashes, accounting for 8.8 percent of all crashes in 2020
  • October: 10,525 crashes, accounting for 10.1 percent of all crashes in 2020, the highest monthly rate in 2020
  • November: 9,871 crashes, accounting for 9.5 percent of all crashes in 2020

Autumn-Related Causes of Car Accidents

Some of the biggest autumn-related causes of motor vehicle accidents include:

  • Shorter days – As we get later into the fall, the sun begins rising later and setting earlier. This means that people become more likely to be on the road heading to or from work or school in nighttime conditions or during the low lighting of dawn or dusk. Drivers may still be feeling groggy or drowsy when getting on the road in the mornings before the sun has fully come up.
  • School zones – Autumn also means that the school year is in full swing, which means that school zones go into effect during the early morning and early to mid-afternoon hours. During periods when school zones are active, drivers should obey the lower speed limits and also be extra aware of children who may be walking or biking to school. 
  • Teen drivers – High school students who got their driver’s licenses over the summer may start driving themselves to school, while students who are turning 16 in the fall may take part in driver’s education courses offered through their school. However, teen drivers have yet to build up the experience behind the wheel to become safer drivers. Motorists should exercise caution when driving near high schools in the early morning and mid-afternoon hours.
  • Falling leaves, tree branches, and other plant matter – Autumn means the changing of the leaves, which will eventually fall off their trees. After rainstorms or on foggy or misty mornings, leaves that have fallen on the road may make the road surface slick, potentially posing the same hazard as snow or ice.
  • Changing animal habits – The changing of the seasons also means many species of animals change their habits. Nocturnal animals will become more active due to the increase in nighttime hours, while animals that hibernate for the winter also become more active as they hunt for extra food to eat before hibernating. 

Tips to Keep Yourself Safe on the Road in the Autumn

Important tips to help keep yourself on the road this autumn include:

  • Remember to use your headlights, including at least up to 30 minutes after sunrise and 30 minutes before sunset
  • Avoid distractions behind the wheel, including cell phone use, eating or drinking, or grooming
  • Leave yourself extra time to get to your destination, especially if you will be driving when students are heading to or from school
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Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries due to a car accident in Pennsylvania? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. represent clients injured because of car accidents in Millcreek, Harborcreek, Fairview, Meadville, and throughout Pennsylvania. Call (814) 833-7100 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 2525 W. 26th St., Erie, P.A. 16506, as well as offices in Meadville and North East.

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