Do You Really Need a Lawyer in Your Case Against Encompass Insurance
The car accident happened in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Our client was stopped at a red light when the defendant hit him from behind. Our client was taken to the hospital with complaints of spine pain and tingling and numbness in his arms and legs.
Initially, our client was diagnosed with strains, sprains, and contusions. Unfortunately, his problems did not resolve but rather worsened with time, despite the fact that he diligently followed his doctor’s advice and tried his best with physical therapy.
Within a year of the accident, our client’s doctor determined that his injuries from the accident were permanent and disabling. He would not, his doctor found, be able to return to work.
Our client had worked for 38 years without interruption prior to this accident. And though he was nearing retirement, he did not plan to retire just yet.
The defendant was insured by Encompass Insurance. When they reviewed our client’s case, their first response was that they “weren’t going to pay thousands” to settle our client’s claim. We thought otherwise.
We worked to make sure that our client’s treating doctors had a full and fair opportunity to explain our client’s condition and we made sure that Encompass fully understood the severity of our client’s injuries.
By the time we were done, the case that had begun with the insurance company declining to pay thousands ended with the insurance company paying $225,000 to settle the case.