Summer Driving Tips

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Summer Driving Tips from Your Erie Accident Lawyers

In Erie, as summer comes and the roads clear, we all want to drive faster. We finally don’t have to worry about snow and ice and therefore, it is easy to think that we don’t have anything to worry about when it comes to driving during the summertime. As Erie accident attorneys, we know that this is not true. Here is a list of things to think about when driving in the summer months:

1. Increased traffic. With people going on vacation and with students out of the classroom for the summer, there are many more people on the road than in the winter months. These summer motorists are often headed to Presque Isle, We Love Erie Days, and other such activities.

2. Increased wildlife. As the weather heats up, animals will be more mobile than in the winter. This can increase your chances of seeing them on the road.

3. Increased pedestrian traffic. With Erie’s weather, there is only a short amount of time that people can comfortably walk or run outside. Because of this, there is an incredible increase in foot traffic on Erie streets in the summer — requiring drivers to pay more attention at stops and throughout the city.

4. Increased bicycle and motorcycle traffic. With warm weather, many people enjoy riding their two-wheel vehicles in order to save gas and have fun. This requires that drivers pay more attention and slow down when they are driving in the summer.

5. More children playing. Because school is out, many of the youngsters that we don’t see in the winter end up playing outside in residential areas. This means that drivers must constantly be on the lookout for stray balls and toys that find their way into the streets.

6. More reckless driving. Whether it is because there are more young people on the road or because there is more drinking and driving in the summer months, or both, studies show that there is more reckless driving in the summer months. Therefore, safe drivers must drive defensively in the summer.

If you are hurt in a Northwest PA car accident, call 814-273-2010/toll free 814-273-2010 to get a free consult with a Purchase, George & Murphey, P.C. accident lawyer. No fee if no recovery.

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